These are some of the main cocoa buyers in Colombia and members of the C4D Community.
Compañía Nacional de Chocolates and Fundación Nutresa
Compañía Nacional de Chocolates and Fundación Nutresa are strategic allies of the C4D project, financing part of the project costs, specifically in areas related to technical assistance and training of extensionists. Through the alliance with Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, we strengthen the commercialization of cacao, complementing C4D’s agricultural extension strategy by providing technical assistance through training to associations, producers and extensionists. We also carry out technical visits and tours to promote and strengthen good cultivation practices, provide planting material, and promote the sustainability of cacao growers’ organizations through working capital and management strengthening, among other strategies.
Casa Luker
CasaLuker is a strategic partner of the project with whom we execute joint activities, in order to improve the income of cacao farming families, increase productivity and quality, promote digital and face-to-face technical assistance, and commercial and managerial strengthening of organizations, to improve the competitiveness of the sector, within the framework of the C4D project. Specifically, we evaluate and disseminate new technologies for on-farm implementation and alternatives for the use of cacao residues, complement the technical advice and monitoring of good practices, provide plant material and strengthen the sale of cacao produced by producers and marketed by the organizations linked to the project.
Renacer Origen Cauca Project: Fundación Mundo Mujer and Cacao Hunters
For the department of Cauca, C4D signed an agreement as an ally of the “Renacer Origen Cauca” project implemented by Cacao de Colombia SAS (Cacao Hunters) and financed by Fundación Mundo Mujer, with the purpose of working together to help undertake, in a sustainable manner, agricultural and business initiatives to improve productivity and profitability, which in turn, will improve the livelihoods of farmers and entrepreneurs in the value chains of cacao and its complementary crops located in this department. Specifically, we supported the strengthening of three cacao growers’ organizations, fostering the entrepreneurship of young cacao growers, providing on-site and digital agricultural extension services, and developing and positioning the Cauca Origin for cacao and chocolate at the national and international level.
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